BIG News…In Three Parts

As you read this post, we are asking you to consider the hearts of the Coddington Tribe and what we are hoping and dreaming. And please, read to the end.

BIG News Part ONE

We have been inundated with requests from people we love and adore to come and visit. We just cannot accept the invitations. If Karen and I each picked the five most important people in our lives outside of family (and of course if you’re reading this you are one of those five) and said they are the only ones that can visit, that would still be 10 different visitations. We cannot maintain any kind of stable life for Kasey with all that traffic. We also would not be able to visit Dakota and Kadin on weekends. We also would have a very difficult time deciding who can and cannot come. So as difficult as it is to do this, we are not going to be scheduling time for individual visits. Please allow me (wes©) to explain further.

With my supposed limited time, here are our family priorities:
1. Jesus – We are working hard to follow Him closely during this time.
2. The Coddington Tribe – We want to optimize our time together.
3. NAMB – My full-time job is still my calling and I will serve them till I can’t.
4. Resonate Church – One of the big reasons God called us to Boise is to help start a Resonate Church with Young Professionals. We still hear that call.

These are the most important things we are pursing as a family, especially wes©. One of my closest friends in the whole world is Paul Shumski. He once told me during another dark time, “Don’t doubt in the darkness what God has revealed in the light.” God led us to Boise for this chapter in our lives and we will not abandon the call. He knew I had cancer when He called.

Here is what I am not pursuing:
Experiences – I have no desire to “visit one last beautiful place” or go on some adventure that I’ve always wanted. I have Heaven waiting for me, what can this world possibly offer compared to that?
Thanks – Many want to come share what an influence we have been on them. We really appreciate that, but we have all eternity to talk about what God did through each other. What we don’t have in eternity is the ability to invite others along to meet Jesus. While we would welcome a card or video of thanks, our hearts’ desire is to see that appreciation put into action by making followers of Jesus..

We love and adore you all, but we will use whatever time we have left as a complete Coddington Tribe to move the Kingdom of God forward. Is there any pursuit that can really outlast that?

BIG News Part TWO

I (wes©) have for over a decade wanted to do a disciple-making retreat where I could help facilitate the learning of what real, biblical following of Jesus means. In America especially, the church has lost her way. Too many churches are teaching people to believe in Jesus but not to follow Him. If those who claim to believe in Jesus would actually do what He said, the world would be a different place. We don’t pretend to have all the answers, but we do feel we have given it a good try and the Lord has blessed us with some successes. I had so many men and women invest in me when I was young and I am a different person because of their efforts and modeling. I have sought to give that back, but have always wanted to do more with the idea. I may be running out of time. So…


The Coddington Tribe has prayed and are all on board to invite you to the First (maybe annual) Coddington Tribe Disciple-Making Experience (DMx).

We figure that according to typical timelines, my strongest vacation time will be this US Thanksgiving. The longer I am on chemo and the more the cancer spreads, the weaker I will get. The Tribe wants to use our supposed best vacation week and give it to Kingdom work. We are hoping over Christmas we can get a week away with just the five of us, we will see.

Please join us anytime over the Thanksgiving Break (Monday thru Saturday) for Tribal DMx. We will be crafting worship, prayer and disciple-making sessions. Anyone who wants to come is welcome, whether you are a follower of Jesus or not. We will find joy in stories and sharing what God has done. We will get more details and will have a registration as well. It costs nothing except what you spend on your travel, lodging and food. Most people were offering to stay somewhere else when they visit anyway so we aren’t doing it that different for people financially. We will get more details as we progress and will put them on this page as they grow. The page is on the top of each page for easy access. We are kind of building the bridge as we walk on it – trusting God is doing His thing. Check back often to see the details as they come.

Here’s some of what we hope will happen:

  • People will come and be in awe of who God is and what He’s done
  • Many will find it like a reunion of people they haven’t seen in a while as well as an opportunity to put a face with someone you’ve only heard of by name.
  • People will walk away feeling like they know better how to follow Jesus
  • Lots of fun and laughter

With all our love,
wes© for the Coddington Tribe

Author: wes©

20 thoughts on “BIG News…In Three Parts

  1. I would love to attend. God willing.

  2. Hi Wes, sending lots of love, hugs, prayers and blessings to you. Love you!

  3. You have always been the biggest influence in my life. I have been blessed to hear your teachings and work a small bit with you.
    Love you and the fam

  4. I love reading through your posts your families love for Jesus. Prayers for you all.

  5. Such an inspiration for how you all are handling this. You are a blessing to the world as you continue to seek and save the lost with your every breathe. Prayers for strength and time for you all. ❤️

  6. We would love to come! DMX sounds amazing…a very “Wes-like” acronym! Looking forward to more details.

  7. As always, your servant heart is a beautiful thing to behold. And for your family to unselfishly give you up to what God is asking of you is a testimony in itself. Praying for healing and more importantly, praying for the Lord’s continued peace as you go through this difficult time. May you and your family continue to serve our risen Savior with all of your hearts, minds, and strength.

  8. Lord God, you know the heart of the Coddington Tribe. Expand their time together. Selfishly for them, but truly Lord, for Your kingdom! Bring strength to Wes in the name of Jesus and let our lives and mouths testify to the most powerful living example of sacrifice and service for you we have in 2020. Give us courage to take up Your call as the Coddington’s have. Expand your kingdom in Jesus name.

  9. Thank you for your frankness balanced with love. I do look forward to seeing you in October – and wish we could be there for Thanksgiving. I would love a “remote access” opportunity to be there – if that fits your plan. Regardless it would be a great idea to record it for those who cannot attend. Thanks again – God bless you.

  10. Wes, as you were even in childhood, you are an inspiration to anyone with a heart and brain. These are bold decisions and you have my family’s thoughts and prayers backing you up. It has been 22 years this month since seeing you in person-love you all exactly the same. Best wishes

  11. Thank you for this post and the continual encouragement you are in reaching people for The Kingdom. Continuing to pray, and thank you for letting us know how! ❤️

  12. I don’t know you Wes and your family that well but you left such a positive impression on me. I have not met too many people who really live in Gods light and spread his word so beautifully. Your wonderful wife took my brother’s 4 kids and invited them several times to your house and pool during the summer while Tom was going through a very rough time.
    Thank you for inspiring me to be a better person through my savior Jesus Christ.
    Praying for you all 🙏🏻💕☺️🌻

  13. I’m totally in. I love that you’re doing this.

  14. This is so awesome!!! So excited for what God is going to do through this! Any chance you’ll be videoing it so we would be able to watch without quarantining both ends of it?

  15. HELLO TO THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! WES I AM PRAYING MY HEART OUT FOR YOU. I have you on every prayer list from here to Canada. Prayer list. And every prayer group and individuals I know are praying daily. I call the Cathedrals, Shrines, monasteries, Monks, abbey’s and missionaries I know. You will be mentioned in a special mass said for you at St.Patricks Cathedral in New York City; THEY WILL STREAM IT LIVE! so cool! I will continue to make calls for you to have people around the world holding you up in prayer. You are loved and prayed for everyday.
    I want to get tested to see if I am a match for you. I have a healthy liver that has your name all over it. I cant wait to see you all. Xo Love you guys

  16. This was a great time! We got to meet a bunch of the Coddington’s other friends that we have heard so many stories of. Seeing the Coddington’s was so much fun too! DMx was a huge success in my opinion.
    I give it only 4 out of 5 stars because I don’t like the cold weather 🙂

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