
Name: Wesley William

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Songs:
Anything by U2

Books I Enjoyed
The Starfish and the Spider
The Tipping Point
The Shaping of Things to Come

The Forgotten Ways
Organic Church
An Unstoppable Force
Good to Great
The Imperfect Leader
Cat and Dog Theology
Flickering Pixels

I love winter!!!  I keep telling Karen that I am moving to Minnesota.  I am not sure if the family is going with me but I can’t stand the lack of snow here in Philly.  The snowmobiles sit in storage all summer and then we bring them up to my parents in NY and we have to travel 5 hours to ride.  Enough!  Maybe we will move back to Manitoba…now there is a place with snow.

My family is the greatest.  My kids are wonderful to be around with constant expressions of joy, energy and creativity.  My wife is the most incredible human I know and lives a life of such gentleness, commitment and authenticity, she draws me in closer with every passing day.