Kidney Transplant

I am writing to let you know that I will be having my Kidney Transplant on April 20th.  Over the last 10 years my kidneys have continued to decline.  They have now been functioning at or under 10% for some time.  My brother Steve will be donating and the procedure will be at Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia.

Many of you have asked to be in the loop as we have waited for this time to come.  You can follow the progress in any of the following ways:

1. Twitter: wescoddington
2.  Facebook: Wes Coddington
3. Our Website: (look in the top right, you can subscribe to changes.)

I promise to give you regular updates and ways you can pray.  As a special treat to Twitter followers, I will be real-time updating my status during the surgery, a feat never before done (at least by anyone I know).

Please be in prayer for the following:
1.  For the Lord’s will to be manifest and that His name will gain glory because of my circumstance.
2.  For Karen and the kids for emotional strength and courage from the Lord to walk into the unknown.
3.  For Karen’s energy as she will deal with kids and family and traveling to hospital and be my primary care-taker for a month
4.  For my brother Steve, his wife Sarah and Nathan, their one year old. They will both be losing work time to do this, so pray for financial stability and courage as well as proper healing.
5.  For me, that on the other side of this, I will be faithful to hear God’s voice, wise enough to understand it and brave enough to obey it.

Author: wes©

8 thoughts on “Kidney Transplant

  1. Thank you so much for including me in this update. I will be praying for all of you. You are so courageous.
    Your family is just so beautiful. Love the pictures!

  2. So, I’m starting to think that my comments are just being blocked…what’s up with that?

    Real time…that’s gonna be great to be on the look out for. Maybe just for that, I’ll break down and join Twitter!

    Love you tons,

  3. Hey Wes,
    We’ll keep you in our prayers through the whole process. May God’s presence, peace, comfort, and strength be yours throughout.

    God Bless!

  4. are ya sure their right??? your way too young to be needin’ parts replaced???? but what a better gift then from a family member!!! steve must really love you lots!!!! as he should you are wonderfull person and family.

    love ya

  5. Reading your prayers of humility made me cry! I think because I know that through you God is already being glorified. Hooray!!

  6. hey Wes, I will of course keep you in my prayers. Although this is very trying for you. isn’t there some light at the end of the tunnel !! possibly some years of better health ahead!? Be well friend.. I’ll be watching the blog

  7. Hey, Wes! I just stumbled across the news as I was scrolling through facebook friends. Wow! BIG NEWS! Exciting and scary and defiitely a fire of testing for your faith! I have every confidence that your and Karen’s faith, more precious than gold, not born of human desire, but of the will of God, will be preserved and purified throughout this whole process, as you all are faithful to embrace with trust and thanksgivng the path God has chosen for you. I’ll pass the news to my young men to join me in prayer for you. .

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